Immeuble Hayet, 2. Rue du Lac Loch Ness, les Berges du Lac 1 Tunis, Tunisie, 1053
Immeuble Hayet, 2. Rue du Lac Loch Ness, les Berges du Lac 1 Tunis, Tunisie, 1053
Academic background
Master of Science (MSc) International Maritime Studies – Shipping & Logistics, Southampton Solent University, 2012 – 2013
Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS), Independent study, 2011 – 2013
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Hons Business Management, University of Westminster, 2008 – 2012
International Foundation Program, Business/Managerial Economics, London Metropolitan University, 2007 – 2008
Farhat Hached School, Bizerte, 2000 – 2006
Languages spoken
English, French and Arabic
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Founder and Director, CAPMARIS TRADING, Tunis, Tunisia, February 2016 – Present
Founder and Director, MISTRAL SHIPPING, Tunis, Tunisia, June 2014 – Present
Sales Associate, Harrods Ltd, London, United Kingdom, November 2009 – May 2012
Assistant Manager, Nord South Ltd, London, United Kingdom, June 2009 – November 2009
Event Promoter, Ruby Blue, London, United Kingdom, May 2008 – August 2009
Logistics Coordinator, Premier Shellfish, London, United Kingdom, April 2007 – January 2008
Investment Bank Intern, Bear Stearns, London, United Kingdom, February 2007 – March 2007
Logistics Associate, Leader Price, Le Valais, Switzerland, June 2005 – August 2005
Involvement with other associations or organizations
Member of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (MICS) at the London Branch since December 2013
Omar is now the company’s CEO – through his everyday management he pushed the sales from 100 cars/year to more than 400 cars/year. In 2006, the brothers Guiga created Wallyscar, the first Tunisian car manufacturer which would become the first African and Arab car manufacturer to export its vehicles in more than 15 countries. From Brazil, to France to Qatar more than 2500 vehicles have been sold.
Wallys has commercialized 5 models: the Wallys IZIS and the Wallys IRIS. The company is also proposing 3 other new models – two city cars as well as an utility vehicle.
Omar has managed to create a whole eco system of small car suppliers in Tunisia and in the region. The company has also created more than 200 jobs in poor region of Tunis –Kabaria. Wallys is currently setting up a factory in Algeria, and in Morroco.
Best professional achievements
Omar has been received prizes from:
Member of the Honorable Selection Committee for Hult Prize – Clinton Foundation
Executive Assistant at the Tunisian British Chamber of Commerce
2020 : Master degree in Common Law ( Anglo-american Law) .
2015/2017 : Master in Common Law
2012/2015 : Bachelor’s degee In Private Law
2012 : Bachelor’s degree in Experimental Sciences
ARABIC : Native ENGLISH: Excellent FRENCH: Excellent ITALIAN: advanced
2021-2022 Administrator in Regulation and External payments at the Arab International Tunisian Bank.
2020-2021 : Legal Assistant at Inetum Tunisia.
2018-2019 : Communication Officer at Model African Union
From 2017 to 2018 : member of the logistic Committee of the Model African Union then I became the organization’s Communication Officer
Academic background
Languages spoken
English (fluent),
German ( spoken and writing B1 level),
French ( excellent bilingual);
Arabic (Native)
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Executive Director of the TBCC since December 2021
Executive Director of the CCICTNCH
Editorial Manager at Image &Actions Agency
Director of publication at Tunisie.co
Head of communication projects at the Tunisian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Tunis)
Editorial manager in charge of communication at MEDIANET
Manager of the French IT services company IGA Tunisie
Chronicler on the Expert program on the Tounesna TV channel
Founder, director and editor of the online journal “Highlights”
Editorial manager at radio Express Fm
Journalist editor at Business News
Journalist editor at the medical magazine
Executive Assistant, Head of Legal Department (Accounting firm)
Secondary school teacher
Best professional achievements
A highly experienced professional legal administrator and quadrilingual having worked as a journalist for more than 10 years, as a teacher, as a translater and as a leader of communication project with the German chamber of commerce in Tunisia (AHK) with a wealth of transferrable skills gained during the diversified professional experiences as a companies secretary and legal administrator within a charted accountant and consulting company for 18 years but also as editorial manager and an online newspaper’s director. Possesses a commitment to delivering service excellence, advices and guidance.
Involvement with other associations and hobbies
Violinist within a musicians group since 2001, active volunteer member with a charitable music organization aiming to develop young talents creativity and organization of concerts to raise funds for disabled people
Managing Director, Partner
Born April 21, 1979 in SFAX,
Graduated from the Higher School of Science and Technology of Tunis (ENSET-ESTT-ENSIT) in 2005, Mr. MECHRI obtained a master’s degree in mechanical engineering.
In 2014, he obtained his certificate from the Program for Administrators and Business Managers (P.A.G.E) at the Mediterranean School of Business (MSB).
Languages spoken
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Tarek MECHRI has more than 15 years of experience in the field of construction, realization and projects management in the oil and gas sectors. He held several management positions in various companies in his field.
In 2013, he was appointed Deputy Director General of SOTTMAR S.A, a company that belongs to the SAROST group.
In 2020 he was a co-founder of a new entity named comply services specialized in construction services for Industry, Energy and oil & gas sector.
Mr. MECHRI is a member of the ethics committee of the Tunisian British Chamber of Commerce and also of the renewable energy pole at the Tunisian African Business Council.
Master Degree Entrepreneurship
Languages spoken
CEO MAAP , PR company totally dedicated to Africa
Regional Maghreb region Director at the British council
Country Director at Jeune Afrique
Best professional achievements
Developing the first Tunisian PR agency dedicated to Africa which includes developing partnerships , creating brands , organizing events , promoting a new way of collaboration within Africa
Involvement with other associations or organizations
I am the secretary general of Essalem Foundation , a foundation that has 40 years working to develop new opportunities in the different cities of Tunisia
Clarke Energy, Sales Manager Africa
Engineering diploma from the National Engineering School of Tunis ( ENIT ), June 2004
Baccalaureate in mathematics promotion at Akouda School , Sousse, June 1999
Languages spoken
Arab, French and English
Since 2016 until this moment, I hold the position of sales manager with the company Clarke Energy.
Before Clarke energy I worked with the company VENUS Consulting as Group Maintenance Manager for 4 years between October 2012 till June 2016, and with the company COTREL, Caveo as project Manager for 8 years between 2004 and 2012.
As a project manager, Study, Acquire and Installation a complete production line for automotive product (Stabilizer bar) with Caveo Group which is selected one of the best production lines on the market.
Was the leader of the team how was developed the activities of shoot peening of the leaf springs and convince the managers of Volkswagen and Mercedes to select a Tunisian company, COTREL, to be one of their suppliers.
Sale more than 60 Mw (65% of the market) as Cogeneration projects for the biggest industrial group in Tunisia.
Member of a charitable organization (Sousse)
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Khaled ben Jemaa is a Tunisian businessman who has been the head of 5 different companies and Chairman & Chief Executive Officer for Société de l’Automobile & du Materiel SARL, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Plastic Union (Tunisia), Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Société Tunisienne de Lait & Dérivés, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at SOHOB and also Chairman of Attijari Leasing SA. Mr. Ben Jemaa is also on the board of Elbene Industrie.
Commodity Broker for agro-commodities ( Rice, Coffee, Sugar, Tea and Grains) Makes studies for the agro-commodities to allow the suppliers to understand and follow up the Tunisian market.
Vice President of CONECT International , Deputy General secretary of the Tunisian-British Chamber of Commerce,
She got a Master’s Degree in International economy and development , an MBA in management
General Manager at ARS-TUNISIE the Exclusive Representative of AON in Tunisia
Academic background
A Research Master’s degree in Organizations Management at Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis (ESCT)
Languages spoken
– Arabic : Mother tong
– French : Fluent
– English : Good
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Cyrine Hafaiedh Triki has over 15 years of experience in the Insurance field where she holds the General Manager position at ARS Tunisia, which is a company that provides insurance and reinsurance brokerage and consultancy services and operates locally and regionally. ARS is the exclusive representative of Aon Group in Tunisia, the global leader in risk management, insurance brokerage, reinsurance, management consulting and human resource administration. Its head office is based in London and is present in over 120 countries.
Involvement with other associations or organizations
A founding member at the Tunisian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry -(CCITNCH).
A member at Tunisan-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry – ( CTFCI).
An active member in Social life through different charitable associations.
Director General, Sfax Technopark
Mr Mohamed Fetah Krichene has more than 15 years experience in management, project management, sales and marketing strategies in different fields, with a track record of successfully guiding major expansion efforts and strategic partnerships and has a significant experience supporting entrepreneurs.
Before joining Sfax Technopark Fetah held numerous leadership roles, as COO of a leading Facility management company, Deputy Director of CEED Tunisia, Sales and marketing Manager of Novation City in Sousse, a PPP managing a science and technology Park in mechatronics, an Industrial park and a business park. He also launched and managed several companies in leisure and travel industry, services and retails.
Mr Fetah Is graduated from ESC Wesford in Grenoble. He is also founding member of Tunisia Technoparks (the Tunisian association of science and technology parks), board member of the Tunisian British chamber of commerce (VP) and very active in promoting entrepreneurship as mentor in founder Institute, Mowgli… he is also Senator for Tunisia at the World Business Angel Forum and Vice president of the Healthtech Cluster.
Academic background
1995-1998 – Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris I, [Paris, France]
Doctoral Thesis Project, « Cycles économiques, Cycles financiers »
1994-1995 Université Panthéon Assass, Paris II, [Paris, France]
MSc. in Financial Markets, D.E.A Monnaie Finance Banque
1990-1994 Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, [Tunis, Tunisia]
Bsc Degree in Managing Financial Institutions
Languages spoken
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Namia Ayadi Berrayana is a senior banker. Within her duties Namia has supported foreign and local investors to expand their activities in Tunisia. She also worked on linking local SMEs to African markets through AttijariWafabank network.
She has got also more than 12 years experience in Capital Markets. She worked in Crédit du Nord Paris as FX & MM Sales and then Joined Citibank Tunis as Fixed Income, Commodities & Currencies Sales Head.
Best professional achievements
Involvement with other associations or organizations:
Managing Partner at EXIA
Academic background
Holds a master’s degree in Commercial Diplomacy and an MBA from the US, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from Tunisia
Languages spoken
French, Arabic, and English
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Senior executive with almost two decades in the Energy Sector and in International Trade and Economic Diplomacy.
Founder and Managing Partner of Excalibur International Advisory (EXIA), Senior advisor for several international energy companies, both in Oil & Gas and Renewables, and Chair of the Tunisia Board of Expectation State.
Previously served as General Manager with Shell and Vice-President with BG Group in Tunisia, and Executive Director in charge of International Relations at UTICA, the leading confederation of Tunisian businesses.
Best professional achievements
Entrusted to lead several hundred-million, complex government and commercial negotiations with high value impact in the energy sector, and lead sensitive stakeholders’ engagements for various critical issues in sensitive times.
Helped to reposition the Tunisian private sector internationally and supported alongside the government the negotiations of several bilateral and multilateral investment and trade agreements
Involvement with other associations or organizations
President of the Tunisian-Danish Chamber of Commerce, Board Member and President of Honour of the Tunisian-British Chamber of Commerce, Board Member of the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce in London, Board Member of American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia, and Founding Member and former President of the Tunisian Council for Bilateral Chambers.
following the OPO mechanism (exclusivity in the history of the BVMT)
Founder/President of Huilerie Loued / Rivière D’or
Mr Loued is the founder and president of Huilerie Loued, a major olive oil company in Tunisia. Through the past 30 years, Mr Loued has succeeded in developing this family business and his brand Rivière d’Or, and in making it one of the best olive oil companies in the country, exporting to more than 60 countries around the world.
Acknowledging his long-lived passion for olive oil and his continuous success and experience in the industry, he was appointed president of the Tunisian olive oil exporters trade union (UTICA) in (2014-2017). From this position, he has been very active in widening the Tunisian market share in the worldwide olive oil market, and thus enhancing the image and the export chances of Tunisian olive oil producers overseas.
Mr Loued graduated top of his class from the ENIT (the National school of Engineers of Tunis) with a Hydraulic engineering diploma in 1982. He started his career in this field, by joining the Ministry of Equipment as an assistant chief, supervising the project of hydraulic dam of Joumine between 1982 and 1988, then moved on to undertake a new project, under the Ministry of Agriculture, where he was the chief of the hydraulic complex of Sidi El Barrak in Nefza.
Is CEO of one of the leading fashion retail businesses in Tunisia. An industry sector where he has spent almost a decade in a couple of senior board level positions.
Prior to that, he was the Governance Manager for BG Group’s businesses in Tunisia with various assignments in the UK and Egypt. He started his carreer as Senior Auditor at PwC in Tunis.
Zakaria holds a Masters Degree in Finance and Accounting from the ISCAE and a Bachelors Degree from the IHEC. He also holds a CISA designation from the ISACA.
Zakaria is board member of various NGO’s such as the TBCC and the Tunisian Danish Chamber of Commerce.
Group CFO at GAT ASSURANCES & General Manager at GAT Investment
Master of Business Administration of Montpellier Business School Major Strategy and IT Value Creation.
Msc of finance and Accounting from IAE Lyon
Certifications : Certified Information System Auditor, IFRS , Associate in Risk Manager
Arabic(Native) , French(Native), English(fluent) Italian (Good level)
General Manager @ GAT Investissement:
Considered as the asset manager of the group, GAT Investissement is managing over 500 Million dinars in assets and an FCPR Fund of 30Mdt dedicated to innovation.
Group CFO GAT Assurances:
Driving the group performance and working on business lines support.
Best professional achievements
Leading the transformation of the finance and accounting function at GAT
Driving Growth and performance of the group,
Part of the executive committee in charge of the company transformation from a small to a Major actor in the insurance industry in less than 10 years.
Leading the transformation of the Assets Management Business with the setting of GAT Divertissement as a registered company within Financial Market Authority and launching its new Funds.
Involvement with other associations or organizations
Active Member @ ISACA
Member of AICPU
Member of the board of Montpellier Business School Alumni Association
Vivo Energy Tunisie Managing Director
Academic background
2008: Executive Master of Business Administration (South Mediterranean University)
1991: Master of Science – Industrial Engineering (Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs – Tunis).
Languages spoken
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Vivo Energy Tunisia Group (Shell Licensee)
2019: Managing Director
2015: Retail Manager
2012: Butagaz Tunisie General Manager
Shell Tunisia
2005: B2B Manager
2002: Africa Retail Operational Excellence Manager
1999: North Africa Retail Marketing Manager (based in Morocco)
1994: Retail Marketing Manager
Best professional achievements
Quality Assurance programme leader: 1st company certified ISO 9000 in Tunisia (1994)
Sales Competency Development programme leader for Shell at panafrican level (2003)
Duke award in a Senior Leadership Development Program with GIBS (Gordon Institute of Business
Science – South Africa, 2016)
Involvement with other associations or organizations
Injaz Tunisia – President
Tunisian Dutch Chamber of Commerce & Industry – board member
Tunisian British Chamber of Commerce & Industry – board member
IACE – board member
CEO Société du Pôle de Compétitivité de Sousse « NOVATION CITY »
Academic background
1979 – 1980: Tunisian baccalaureate in Mathematics and natural science with honors
1980 – 1982 : Preparatory Math Sup, Math Spé, Ecole Pierre de Fermat, Toulouse, France.
1982 – 1986 : Engineer Diploma from « Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées de Paris »
Permanent training:
Time Management
Team Management
Project Management
Establishment of Quality Management System
Coaching and Monitoring
Animation and Management of Clusters
Public Communication
Strategic Marketing
Implementation of innovation program
Reading | Writing | Conversation | |
Arabe | Excellent | Excellent | Excellent |
Français | Excellent | Excellent | Excellent |
Anglais | Good | Good | Good |
Italien | Medium | Weak | Weak |
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
2009-2021: CEO of Société du Pôle de Compétitivité de Sousse « Novation City » constituted by The Mechatronic Techno-park of Sousse (50ha), a services Park (50ha) and the Industrial Park (150ha)
2006 – 2012: Chairman CE0 of Brimaflex Algeria (Production and commercialization of Matrasses)
2002 – 2012: Chairman CEO of SOMATRAL Commercial (12 sales Stores)
1999 -2012: Chairman CEO of SOMATRAL « Permaflex” (Production and commercialization of Matrasses)
1991 – 1999: Senior Consultant “STRATEGE” (Organizational and Strategic Studies)
1990 – 1991: Technical Director “Société EMS” (Production of Tanks)
1987 – 1990: Engineer of Production “Société Al Kimia” (Production of Chemical Product based on Phosphate)
1985-1987: Engineer “Elf Aquitaine, Research Center of Pau”
Best professional achievements
A partnership approach to business with, in particular, the sense of synthesis, communication, Marketing, negotiation, finances and relationships in general.
evelopment of the Company’s Strategy
Negotiation of agreements with the State
Constitution of a group of shareholders of a company
Establishment of several international partnerships
Establishment of a Cluster
Development of industrial Park, Business Park and Science Technology Park
Establishment of an ecosystem for the development of innovation in mechatronics
Implementation of an acceleration program for Strat Ups
International Funding (GIZ, AFD, BEI, Horizon Europe…)
Establishment of a Competence and Innovation Center in Industry 4.0
Participation in several specialized exhibitions and forums
Animation of several round tables on innovation
Involvement with other associations or organizations
• President of the “Réseau Entreprendre Tunisie”
• Founder and Treasurer of the first Cluster in Tunisia “Cluster Mechatronic Tunisia”
• Founding Member and Treasurer of the Association of “Tunisia Technopark”
• Founding President of the LIONS Club El Kantaoui Hammam Sousse
• Founding member and Secretary General of the Association “HES, Horizon de l’Enfant au Sahel” Nursery for abandoned children without family support.
• Founding member of the Ennour Association Specialized in welcoming and supporting schoolchildren in disadvantaged areas
• Deputy Treasurer of the AmCham Center
• Member of the CTFCI office
• Member of the Bureau of the Tunisian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
• Member of the scientific council of the National School of Engineers of Sousse “ENISo”
• Member of the start-up selection committee at the Business incubator
Academic background (maximum 150 words)
I have obtained my LLB from the University of Carthage, Tunis in 2016.
I acquired a Master degree in LLM International Banking & Finance from City University of London in 2018.
I have spent two years in BPP Law School and obtained the Legal Practice Course with a focus on Equity and Debt Finance, then I became a trainee solicitor.
Languages spoken
Fluent English, Fluent French, Native Arabic, Intermediate Spanish
Professional experiences “most recent to most senior”
Sep 2021 – Now: AMTC Ltd (English Investment Fund): Solicitor
Sep 2020 – Aug 2021: Hajri Law Firm: Senior Partner
Feb 2019 – Dec 2019: Blue Jay Communication, London: Event Coordinator
May 2018 – July 2018: IC Publication, London: Trainee
May 2016 – June 2016: KPMG, Tunis: Trainee.